Cool Google Feature

So I just opened up my browser and to my surprise is this little customize icon on my screen. Being the inquisitive person I am obviously I clicked it lol. What can I say? I’m only human right 😉

Anyway, an even bigger surprise was waiting for me.

Did you know that you can customize your browser homepage to look however you want?

Yeah, neither did I until a few hours ago.

I really like this feature so I’m going to do a quick tutorial for you all here 🙂

So, first of all open your browser and you should see to the bottom right hand corner of your screen a pen icon accompanied by the word customize as shown below…you will need to click it.

After clicking that, a box should appear with various choices. You will be able to change your background, the shortcuts which appear on the homepage and also customize the colour of your tabs and toolbar and your theme.

Customizing Your Background

First of all you can either place your own image or use one provided by google. Just click the image you want from google’s list and click done. If you want to use a personal photo then you must be sure that it is present on your computer for upload.

To upload an image from your computer click the upload from device icon.

A new window will open with your files. Select the photo of your choice and then select open.

Immediately upon pressing the open button you will see your results.

I know…. awesome right? Yeah I felt the same way haha

Customizing Your Shortcut Options

This one is pretty basic and just lets you choose whether you would like your shortcuts to be set manually by you or the computer would choose them based on your activity. You just select whichever and then done.

Customizing Your Colour and Theme

Basically you just select the suitable option, click on whichever theme you want and select done.

You can also customize the colour by clicking the dropper icon.

A box will appear and there you can proceed to customize your colour option for your theme by moving the appropriate cursors.

The one on the bar will help you in choosing your colour of choice.

The black dot on the coloured square above the bar will help you with choosing your desired shade.

When you are finished click the done button and your results will appear.

There you have it. Google’s browser feature broken down and so very easy to use. I hope that you have fun and enjoy this feature as much as I did.

Raksha Bandhan

Today is the 3rd of August, 2020 and it’s a very special day all around the world called RAKSHA BANDHAN.

What is Raksha Bandhan you might be wondering.

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Simply put Raksha Bandhan is a very special day where brothers and sisters show love for each other. Sisters normally perform aarti for brothers and then tie a rakhi ( beautiful thread) on their right hand wrist and feed them sweets. In return brothers pledge to protect and love their sisters always and sometimes even give them a gift to show their love and affection.


It is said that when Queen Karnavati  could not defend her kingdom she sent a Mugal Emperor a rakhi seeking his help and he was moved by this and assisted her. Like this there are many other stories about this celebration and it’s origins.

The important thing to remember when it comes to this celebration is that it’s based on the love and affection between siblings.

Today not only Hindus but almost everyone around the world regardless of religion or any other aspect celebrate this wondrous occasion.

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all siblings out there 🙂

Raksha Bandhan video


What is Aarti

Simply put aarti is a way of showing respect and honour. A deeya (earthen pot)  is placed into a tarya (brass plate) with flowers. The deeya is lit and then in a clockwise direction worship is done.



Aarti is one of the most sacred and popular Hindu rituals. You can see it being done anywhere there is a Hindu celebration or pooja taking place. Hindus also use aarti to show reverence to elders and other important people. Most of the time aarti also consists of singing as well. After aarti is done one normally touches the feet of the person who aarti was done for to accept their blessings.


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Video on how to do aarti



A Tribute to The World’s Best Dad


As I mentioned, I lost my dad a few years ago. This is my tribute and gift to him this father’s day. 

Everyday it feels like just yesterday he was here with me and then I realize he’s no longer here and it completely breaks my heart. My dad was indeed THE WORLD’S BESTEST DAD EVER!!!

I remember everything about my hero. He was always there to dry my tears and keep my family and I smiling. The love which he gave to us in his lifetime, I assure you that even a million lifetimes won’t be able to make up for it.

I remember when I was just a little kid growing up, each morning before he left for work even if I had to bolt out of my bed and run down the stairs I would never let my dad leave home without a goodbye kiss and hug and the irony is that I never even got to say goodbye before he left us. He always had this saying ” You never miss the water till the well run dry.” Now I can truly say that you were always so right as the well is dry and my water is gone 😦

Everyone knew him as Coffee, Blacks or Maraj. He was a really well known person and a respected one as well. He was the cokes man that everyone looked forward to seeing and his love for trucks was incomparable. I swear there could never be someone out there more in love with big trucks than my dad lol 

One of the biggest highlights of my dad’s life was when it was Christmas time. Why? you may’s simply because of those lovely Coca-cola trucks which you see driving around with all those lovely lights. Yep, you guessed it. He was always so eager to drive those trucks. Yeah, I said drive. It was the highlight of his Christmases and it made us all so happy to see the joy this brought to him.

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Apart from trucks there was always one thing which he never put anything before and that is his family. For my dad his family always came first and no matter what he had to do or how early he had to wake up he ensured that he provided for us. I remember him leaving home sometimes at one o’clock in the morning and my thinking he was crazy but now I see that there was nothing more important to him than us and that’s why he left so early not cause he was crazy lol

Recent circumstances have really come to show me exactly how fortunate I was to be given a dad such as mine. So many people and kids out there long for the love and attention and affection of a dad and can’t have it. But, apart from all that, the time which he spent with us was and will always be soo special. He use to make time for us and play sports with us and of course his favourite was cricket so yeah you can bet that all of my siblings and I know how to play cricket lol. He even used to make us bats out of wood with a cutlass. Now, tell me honestly, how many dads out there today is gonna do that. There truly will never be another dad like mine. I will never apologize for this statement because even though you might think yours is the best, here’s the thing. I believe that each and every one of our dads are the best to us.


My dad was really a unique person which will never be able to be replaced and his memories and love I will always cherish within my heart. He is and will always and forever be my Daddyboy and my love for him will always shine bright.


I miss you sooooo much daddyboy and really wish you were here with me but I hope that wherever you may be that you are happy and content. Happy Father’s Day to you and I promise that you will always live on in my heart and memories.  I love you now and forever and though you may be gone physically you will never leave me. 

Rest in peace my amazing father and I will always pray for you to be my dad in every other life which I live.

Here’s to the World’s Greatest Father (Video)


Gone to soon but will never be forgotten…Love Always




Cool Father’s Day Crafts

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a wonderful week and enjoyed your holiday for Labour day 🙂 

It’s known to us all that this Sunday will be Father’s Day. The special day for all fathers. It’s a time for us to show our dads how much they mean to us and how much we love and cherish them. It’s always easy to pick out stuff for mothers but a father is not as easy to many people. There are so many choices and some of them can be quite picky lol 

If you haven’t yet gotten your dad that special gift then you’re just like me in the case of my kids’ dad as I lost mine a few years ago.




As always though the internet saves the day.

I found quite a few fantastic ideas and my kids really enjoyed working on them. I will share with you the link to these wonderful ideas and I hope that you will also be able to benefit from them 🙂 

Apart from these crafts there are many other things which we can do to show our dads our love and care. For instance, I’m sure that like a mother would like breakfast in bed so to would any dad and  he might even be more thrilled than mom lol

Another thing is in my personal opinion they don’t really want anything from us but our time. If you can, then do try to spare a few moments to spend with your dad on this special day. I’m sure that it will make him happier than any present that you could give 🙂

As I said there are tons of ideas out there for inexpensive gift items and I’m sure that you will find them so much more special than just an ordinary wallet or clothing.

You might be saying by this point..okay so where’s that link? lol

Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about it. You will find all the lovely crafts which I found here. Also, just because I like it so much here’s the one which I went with Origami Shirt

Hope that everything works out for you and that you all have a wonderful weekend and Father’s Day. Remember to treat your dad like the king he is 😉 


baby child father fingers
Photo by Pixabay on

Rainy Day Ideas

Hello everyone, hope that you are having a great  and safe week. It’s been quite rainy for a while now and I thought that this would be the best and most suitable time to share these fun activities with you 🙂

So, like I said it’s raining out and you’re stuck indoors with your precious little ones. Sure, they have toys to keep them occupied but why not use this time to bond with them as well? These are just a few of the things which can be done and I am sure that you all will have lots to add to this list so feel free to leave a comment with your ideas. Would love to hear from you 🙂

Let’s get down to business now,

1) Make a tent out of chairs, cushions and sheets.

I have been doing this one personally since I was a kid and yes I did share it with my kids as well. Guess what, they absolutely loved it..well my niece and elder son loved it but my youngest not so much. He was a bit scared to go in. I’m actually planning to try this again now that he’s a bit older. Wish me luck 🙂 

Anyway, it’s a really easy thing to do and a very fun activity as well. Just use the cushions for the walls and maybe a broom or two for support or a couple of chairs and a few sheets for your roof. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just have fun while doing it. You can find a few other simple instructions here

2) Role play

I am sure that your kids will have a favourite story or television show. This will be a lot of fun for the both of you, I assure you 🙂

You can do dress up as well if you want. This might make the activity even more fun. For example let’s say that your kid’s favourite story is The Three Little Pigs. I think everyone can role play this story. If you have enough people then great but if not then don’t worry because you can still role play. How about you just do the big bad wolf and the kid can do the three piggies. Trust me this will be a lot of fun and a word of advice..changing your voices will enhance this experience so much more.

Another tip for you,

you can find almost everything and anything on the internet so use it to find ways to make props for your role. It’s not compulsory but it could make it more fun 🙂

Happy role playing 🙂 

Here are a couple of links for the big bad wolf

  pig mask from paper plate     pig and wolf mask

3) I’m sure it’s not needed to be said but it’s also one of my favourites so I will say it anyway 🙂 

Watch a movie

Pop some pop corn (if your kid likes it) or get some nice treats which you and your kid/s can share and cosy up on the couch with a blanket and a nice movie or two. It’s normally a good way to pass time and also in my case before the end of the movie someone is asleep lol. So, this one is a good idea when you want to get a little rest or get those little ones to pipe down a bit 😉 

As I said, there are way more rainy day ideas out there and these are just a few of mine. I hope that they will help you out and that you have a great time doing them with your kids.

Happy bonding and be safe and keep dry 🙂 


baby child father fingers
Photo by Pixabay on



Earn with PrizesDrop

Here’s yet another cool way to earn some extra cash. Just sign up here  and confirm your email.

Then go to your account and click earn points to start earning.

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There are a lot of cool stuff that you can do to earn and also you can earn just by letting a few adds play. It’s that simple.


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You can cash out your points when you have enough and also get some cool rewards like amazon gift cards and gift cards for a few other stores as well such as target and walmart and many more. 

I hope that this helps you 🙂

Do like this page and my blog and follow me for more cool info 🙂 



Make cash with Shutterstock

Yes you read that right. I did say make CASH. I know it might sound to good to be true but it really isn’t. 

I have one question for you…well two actually

First one is do you have a camera? and the second one is do you want to make some extra cash?

If your answer to these is yes then I have good news for you 🙂 

I assure you it is not a scam or any of those get rich things you see all over the net. This is gona take a while to bear fruits but if you are committed then I’m sure that it will work for you.

Here’s how it works,

First, just head over to and sign up.

After verifying your email you just do your thing which is take your most amazing photos and upload them for review and sale.

Simple and easy and just like that you can start earning an extra income.

I know that it sounds simple but let me remind you that it will be a tough road so only if you will be determined and you have a love for photography then should you join up. There are also a few other ways to earn on this site so you should definitely check it out.




My Anime Forum

My Anime Forum

This one is solely for anime lovers. If you’re not a fan of anime or manga I really wouldn’t recommend you try this cause you might just get bored. Just being honest.

For those of you that are interested in manga and anime I totally recommend this site. I have been a member for a while now and trust me when I say… anime people search no further for somewhere you belong lol

Truly this place is cool and interactive and you don’t have to feel nervous or awkward about sharing your passion. No one will judge you and best of all you don’t even use your actual name so even if you do have something personal to discuss then here’s the thing. No one in actual life will know about it.

Did I mention that this is a forum? Sighss I got so excited about sharing this place I forgot to mention it lol

Well, yes it is a forum..that might have been a give away from the name though, but anyway it’s more than just a forum to me. This place has become my safe haven if you will. As I said no one judges you and everyone is super supportive of each other. It’s like a family rather than just any old forum. 

So if you really are an anime or manga fan then come on in and join the fun. Share your opinions and even your own work if you want. We would love to meet you.

Waiting to welcome you into our little home 🙂 


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I know that like me a lot of you parents, siblings and other types of guardians use this platform as a babysitter once in a while..that’s right I can see your smirk haha

Don’t worry you’re not alone. Youtube has become a life saver for many of us especially in this time of crisis when we are being forced to spend more time with our lovely little devils..oops did I say devils? I meant angels 😉 

Here are some of the good sites which I have noticed and my kids absolutely love. The sites are not ranked in any order or anything like that. It’s just a random order.

 1)     Growing little ones for Jesus.   

Now, yes I am a Hindu but religion has absolutely nothing to do with the videos itself. There is a pretty catchy and lovely song at the end of each video though which I will admit has gotten stuck in my head a few times lol. The videos on here are quite entertaining and my kids love them. Be warned though that most of these videos are about toys which we all know kids will tend to want after seeing in action. I would recommend that you try it at least once and see what I mean. The videos are lovely and inspire kids to do more with playtime and sparks their imaginations.

2)    Blippi  

I am sure that this one will need no introduction to many of you since this is a very well known channel. I have to say that after watching some of these videos I was absolutely blown away by how sincere the people in these videos are and all the hard work which goes into this channel. Personally, this one is one of my favourites 🙂 It is both educational and fun and all kids are sure to find something that they will love.

3)   Unspeakable

My son recently started watching this channel and I must admit that even I have taken a liking to this one. It’s mostly hot wheels and lego stuff from what I have seen thus far. There could be other stuff that I haven’t yet seen. The content which I have seen though has been quite exciting and my kids really like watching them. I especially liked a video where this guy tried to build a hot wheels track underwater. It was a really interesting journey lol and I also like the way this guy has fun with everything he does and the way his family supports him. If your kid is one that will go against do not try at home warnings there are a few videos which you might want to look out for, like a hot wheels track on the house roof .

4)    Super truck- car city

This one is more suited for toddlers and such. It’s a lovely channel with many educational and entertaining videos. Both my kids love this channel and the elder one which is six has loved it since he was a toddler. Do let me know if your kid feels the same 🙂  

Well that’s all for now and will update this list as time goes by. I hope that your little ones will like these sites and do drop me a comment if you check any of them out. Would love to hear from you 🙂 


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Update June 4th

Hey everyone, so glad to see all of your support thus far and I hope that you will stick with me on this journey 🙂 

I ended up sharing this place with my son and he decided that he wanted me to share a couple of shows which he likes with you he’s so adorable right?

Anyways, here it goes 

The two shows which he wanted me to share are Wild Kratts and Animal Mechanicals.

1) Wild Kratts

I have caught myself watching this many times as well. It’s basically an educational series which focuses mainly on animals and their amazing features. It really is a lovely way for your kids to learn about animals. I would totally recommend you try it out.

Here’s a link to an episode if you are interested Watch Wild Kratts episode here

2) Animal Mechanicals

This one is more suited for preschoolers but my six year old just loves it. It’s about some little mechanical friends which helps out each other in different ways and such. It also has a pretty catchy song lol

Here’s a link if you’re interested 🙂

Watch Animal Mechanicals here

Remember if you try any of these out do drop me a comment and let me know what you think. Also please like anything you might deem worthy on this site 🙂

Thanks for your support 🙂 


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July 14th,2020

Hey everyone,

Yes, I know it’s been quite a while since my last update and I missed you to 😉 . I really have hit a bit of a creative wall lol. I hope that if you checked out any of the youtube channels I shared that you were not disappointed.

I have also got a couple of youtube channels myself and I would like to share them with you. My software is a bit downmarket compared to what I have used before so please bear with me until I can do better. I will be trying to update both my blog and youtube channels as often as I can.

As usual if you have any feedback for me then feel free to contact me via the Contact section right here or you can click the link to the side of the page to head over to my facebook or twitter page.

Here are the links to my youtube channels. I do hope that you will like my content 🙂

Funtastik Kidz Corner


Simple Tech

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                    Remember to make the day yours                                                   and always keep


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Photo by Pixabay on